Why We Choose Debt Freedom Over Investing, For Now

We Choose Debt Freedom Over Investing

There are many philosophies on money out there and just as many philosophies on debt payoff. We choose debt freedom over investing because it works for the lifestyle we aspire to have.  As we wrapped up 2020, we spent time reflecting on the year we had and planning where we want to go. It’s time to hone in on our goals so we set a good pace for ourselves in 2021.

Debt Freedom is True Freedom

Some use debt as leverage to amass more wealth. Think of the real estate investor who has lots of debt in the form of mortgages but even more equity in the properties. There are certainly ways to become wealthy using debt. 

Others prefer to use their disposable income to invest in the market and grow their nest egg first, then deal with the debt later. Investing well and with the market on your side, you could potentially make even more money than you owe and be able to pay off the debt, if that’s what you desire.

Then there are those who work on both simultaneously. They split their focus and set money aside to invest and pay the debt. While others think that debt just comes with adulthood and something they will always have.

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Finding Inspiration And Hope In The Art Of Storytelling

Finding Inspiration

Finding inspiration and hope is something that I think is critical in life. There will always be times when we need a little encouragement or motivation.

I’m inspired by history, especially those persons who advocate on behalf of the most vulnerable.  I’m inspired by quotes and by everyday people who do extraordinary things.  It’s what gives me hope.  But what really inspires me is reading or watching how people transform their lives through the art of storytelling. 

Recently I began reading  Barack Obama’s book, Promise Land, and in it, he details how he floundered around in high school and actually described himself as a “lackadaisical student.”  But all that changed in the 10th grade when he stumbled upon a few books at a garage sale authored by notable social activist.  He feverishly read those books from cover to cover and this began his political awakening.  This political awakening gave him a better understanding of social issues as he entered college.  

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The Best Things In Life Are Free

The Best Things In Life Are Free

In a world where materialism is brandished and praised, we remind ourselves continuously to stay grounded in our beliefs- the best things in life are free. People and experiences are where true happiness lies. We like the occasional shiny new thing like anyone else but we are intentional to keep things in perspective.

It’s easy to lose sight sometimes because our society has an obsession with items of gratification. Commercials that promote brand new cars with 0% down, unsolicited credit cards in the mail with our names on them, and holidays that persuasively encourage us to spend again and again.   

We try to remember the things that bring us joy.  Those things often don’t cost a thing.  For me, it’s our big family group hug, our dance parties in the family room, or yard work. FREE! As each day passes, I want my kids to know their childhood was filled with love, laughter, and fun. And for me and Simone, these are the things that sustain us and gives us purpose.

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How to Conquer Fear: Don’t Let Self-Doubt Lead To Self-Sabotage

Fear is a powerful thing. It’s so powerful that it can change a life for better or worse in an instant. In order to live a life of intention, we must learn how to conquer fear and not let it be self-limiting. 

Of course, there is good fear. The fear that tells you not to touch a hot stove or jump into traffic. Those fears protect you. Your intuition also provides good fear. Listen to it. 

I’m talking about the fear that makes your star shine a little less bright than it’s destined. The fear that tells you to say no when deep down you know you should be saying yes. 

Our Intentional Farm is part of my self-exploration. It’s a place where I can express myself, unapologetically.  A place where I can tap into my creativity.  But, I struggle.  

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Promoting a Walkable Community For A More Enjoyable Living Experience

Promoting a Walkable Community

A walkable community contributes to a more enjoyable living experience. It also gives people a sense of community. From the 1940s through the 1960s, most neighborhoods, including our own, did not have something as basic as sidewalks. Cars became the primary mode of transportation. As a result, city priorities shifted from investing in sidewalks to providing automobile amenities like wider roads. Promoting a walkable community was low on the list. Therefore, there are still communities that lack basic necessities to make them walkable and pedestrian-friendly.

Sidewalks are an important part of making a community walkable and enjoyable. The lack of investment in sidewalks in and around neighborhoods all across the nation was a huge oversight. 

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Everyday Distractions And The Subconscious Ways We Delay Progress

I’m a very goal-driven person. The act of setting a goal and then working toward it, making incremental progress is so motivating to me. Getting to that feeling of accomplishment keeps me going when the journey gets inevitably difficult. But still, I often let myself succumb to everyday distractions. 

Unintentionally or intentionally, I find myself from time to time letting distractions take me off course. 

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Pets Are Great Additions to Any Family But Consider The Limitations Before Taking The Plunge

Pets Are Great Additions to Any Family

Pets are great additions to any family. They bring with them so much happiness and that happiness is contagious. I have always had a strong connection with animals. As a child, if you asked anyone who knew me what I wanted to be, they would say a veterinarian.  I was sure of it.  I wanted to be a vet because I loved being around animals and they brought me so much joy as a kid.  

That joy was also accompanied by emotional support since I was always getting into scuffles with my two brothers.  Since they were older and stronger, I was often on the losing end of those scuffles. I’d go to the backyard and play with my dog as a place of comfort.

Pets have a pulse on what you are feeling and experiencing and they adjust their behavior accordingly. They reduce stress, bring joy, and some even encourage us to exercise.  Overall, they improve quality of life. 

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Monthly Debt Update: December 2020

Monthly Debt Update: December 2020

Each month we will share a monthly debt update to document our progress and use it as a way to reflect and keep us accountable and motivated. We were able to pick up some steam this month, which is exciting. My company allowed us to sell back double PTO this year due to COVID-19. We took full advantage and all excess went to debt.

Let’s get into it. Below is our monthly debt update.

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2020: A Reflective Look At The Year And Where We Are Headed

As 2020 comes to an end, we take a reflective look at our journey. I don’t think that there is anyone who can say 2020 wasn’t a wild rollercoaster ride of emotions. For us the year started out joyful, we were looking forward to so much. New baby, an energetic toddler, and planning for wonderful adventures ahead. Then COVID-19 turned the world upside down and life as we knew it was put on pause.

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You Can Do Anything, Outer Space Is The Limit

You can do anything

Ever since baby girl was born, I’ve intentionally said to her “You can do anything!”. At times it has its drawbacks, like when she takes the liberty of pouring her own milk and the entire contents of the carton end up on the floor, left for me to clean. There are pros and cons to everything, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons on this one. 

This idea of being and accomplishing anything is reinforced in small successes day-to-day. She may have a moment of frustration, but we work through it. When we get to the other side, a calmer toddler and her task completed, I say “See, I told you can do anything!” And boy does she light up!

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