About Us

Welcome! We are so glad that you are here! Here’s a little bit about us.

We are not farmers, but we do dream of owning a farm one day. Our Intentional “Farm” is about intentional living.  It’s about planting seeds of intention to reap a well-balanced and joyful life. 

We’re Sean and Simone, and we have two little kiddos; baby girl who is 4 and baby boy who is 1. 

We created this platform to share our journey of intentional living.  By sharing our experiences, we not only get to inspire and encourage you, but it will also help to keep us accountable. Thank you for being our accountability partners.

This is a place of encouragement and we love interacting with you so please share a word or two in the comment section of the articles.


Sean is from Virginia Beach and has a passion for community.  He has spent his entire adult life being of service in some way.  Sean’s very social, so he’s never met a stranger. He’s a visionary who is full of big ideas and he doesn’t conform to many societal norms.

When the migration to the suburbs was happening after finishing college, he went against the grain and moved close to the city to a neighborhood that most of his peers were not interested in.  This vision paid off because we love our neighborhood and expect to be here for a very long time.  His big ideas give our family direction and many of those ideas bring so much fun and excitement to our lives. 

Sean is a free spirit who is learning to incorporate more structure into life.


Simone is from the U.S. Virgin Islands.  Her Caribbean upbringing created her ‘take life easy’ demeanor.  She doesn’t sweat the small stuff but is quite the planner and keeps the family organized.  

After finishing graduate school, Simone paid off almost $90k of debt in 4 years, most of which were student loans. She’s had a taste of debt freedom and is eager to get back there.  All of her lessons learned during her debt-free journey help us manage our finances from day-to-day.

Simone is a Type A personality learning to incorporate more spontaneity into life. 

Our focus areas are:

Intentional Lifestyle

We believe that a simplified life allows you to dedicate more time to focus on what truly matters. Come along as we align how we live work and experience life, with our goal of intentional living.

Intentional Family Life

Our family and community are extremely important. We strive each day to make decisions that reinforce our beliefs and benefit our family and community. We don’t always get it right, but we will always share our experiences.

Intentional Money

Together we are on a new debt-free journeyso we’ll be taking you along as we budget, live frugally, and do all that we can to pay off almost $400k of debt. Whether you are on a debt-free journey, savings journey, or seeking to be better at managing your money, you’ll find encouragement here.

Join us on our adventure as we manage our finances, minimize and simplify our life, and cultivate our family legacy by creating the life we desire – one thoughtful decision at a time.

Now that you know more about us, we look forward to getting to know you.

Our hope is that by sharing our experiences, you are inspired to begin or dive deeper into your own intentional journey. This website isn’t just about us, it’s about you too! Our goals may be different, but the outcome of intention is the same – Balance and Joy!

With Intention,

Sean & Simone

p.s. If you want to know who wrote the article, just check the bolded name in signature. No bolding, then we wrote it together.

Want to collaborate? Have inquiries or suggestions? We’d love to chat!

Sign up for our newsletter for awesome inspiration, great tips, and life-changing resources to live YOUR intentional life! 

*Disclaimer: We are not experts. This website is for entertainment purposes only. We are sharing our journey, wins, setbacks and all!