Pets Are Great Additions to Any Family But Consider The Limitations Before Taking The Plunge

Pets Are Great Additions to Any Family

Pets are great additions to any family. They bring with them so much happiness and that happiness is contagious. I have always had a strong connection with animals. As a child, if you asked anyone who knew me what I wanted to be, they would say a veterinarian.  I was sure of it.  I wanted to be a vet because I loved being around animals and they brought me so much joy as a kid.  

That joy was also accompanied by emotional support since I was always getting into scuffles with my two brothers.  Since they were older and stronger, I was often on the losing end of those scuffles. I’d go to the backyard and play with my dog as a place of comfort.

Pets have a pulse on what you are feeling and experiencing and they adjust their behavior accordingly. They reduce stress, bring joy, and some even encourage us to exercise.  Overall, they improve quality of life. 

Before having kids, my surrogate grandmother that lives next door always said that I was happiest when I had a dog. She was right. 

I’ve had a few dogs over the years. Being greeted each morning and evening by my dog brought a smile to my face every time, no matter what kind of day I had.  They have genuine, unconditional love for you.  And the way that I treated my dogs, they knew they were loved in return.  In fact, my dogs were part of my family.  

If you could use a little extra emotional support or companionship, a pet is a great addition to the family.  They are extremely intelligent and make you laugh. And dogs encourage you to get outdoors, walk, and socialize with others.  Pets have also been known to help fight the feeling of loneliness.

Pets Are Great Additions to Any Family

Pets are great additions to any family but there are a few considerations to make before taking the plunge. 

1. Time Commitment

The last thing you want to do is to get a pet and leave them alone all of the time. They need love, attention, and time. 

2. Planning and Preparation

Whether you decide to board or leave your pet with someone you trust, these are considerations you must make when planning a vacation or an extended period away from home.

4. Cleanliness and Hygiene

You’ll likely have to clean your home more often. Depending on the pet, some require frequent grooming to keep your home smelling and looking nice.

5. The Financial Cost

The expenses of owning a pet can add up. Trips to the vet, food, grooming, and boarding. So take some time to calculate average monthly costs and add a little more cushion to your emergency fund to cover any surprises. 

During this pandemic, people are spending more time than ever indoors and there has been an increase in pet sales.  There is such big demand for pets that some breeders have waitlists months long.  

While I love dogs, I made a conscious decision to hold off on bringing another one into our family.  I love big dogs. My last dog was a male Rottweiler who was abused by his previous owner.  This made him skittish if someone touched his head.  I couldn’t take that risk when baby girl was born.  

Dogs also require a great deal of time and I don’t want to adopt if I can’t provide them with the attention they deserve. Right now, my time is extremely limited and it wouldn’t be fair to the dog.

Pets are great additions to any family. If you’ve been considering getting a pet, this would be a good time to do so, after considering all of the things mentioned in the list above. They are great companions and you can support each other during these challenging times. 

Yes, they’re expensive and time-consuming, but as any pet owner would tell you, the pros far outweigh the cons.  

Do you have a pet as part of your emotional support system or considering getting one?

With Intention,

Sean and Simone

Pets Are Great Additions to Any Family

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4 Replies to “Pets Are Great Additions to Any Family But Consider The Limitations Before Taking The Plunge”

  1. Yes, pets are great additions to the family. I’ve always had a dog around since before I could walk. My dog is an old jack russell and we have a great routine and he’s been good with the kids. I think you’re making a good decision holding off till the time is right. My mother in law who watches my kids recently got a German Shepard puppy. He’s gigantic and I was worried. But they’re taking the time to train him and he’s gentle and loves the girls. He’s a good dog, though massive compared to them lol.

    Yea you’re right costs do add up for pet purchases. But the benefits outweigh the costs in my opinion. It’s the time investment that is probably most costly to people. Especially those that have never owned and don’t know how much trouble young pets can be. Nice post!

    1. Happy Saturday, Noel! I can understand the worry with big dogs around the kids. Simone’s still warming up to the idea, so we’ll see. Agree that the time investment is the biggest one and probably the most overlooked. Takes a lot of planning and if you’re someone who likes to be up and about and traveling all of the time that’s something to consider. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Noel. We appreciate you.

  2. Ha! Sean, I get the feeling that you initially pushed for a new dog for the family while Simone was not 100% on board with your pitch. Just teasing – I know it’s a big decision to make as a family, and I’m glad you all came to the conscious decision, even taking the dog’s future itself into consideration.
    I’ve never had a dog before, but I will most likely adopt one once I have a family of my own! Looking forward to more updates!

    1. Tyler you would be absolutely right!! I’m still trying to convince Simone, honestly. My breed of choice is Rottweiler. Simone’s breed of choice is Maltese. We’ve got a lot of middle ground to cover before we meet somewhere. haha! Oh man, you are in for a treat when you get your first dog. They are so much fun. Kudos to you for wanting to adopt one day. That’s the only way I’ve ever brought a dog home, through adoption. There are so many animals out there in need of a good home. Thanks for reading and commenting, Tyler. We appreciate you.

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