It’s Our Blog Anniversary, Here’s A Q&A To Celebrate!

It has been an entire year since we launched our intentional farm and we thought it would be fun to do a little Q&A to celebrate our blog anniversary. So here goes! 

Why did you start blogging?

Sean:  I just wanted to share my stories. I’m a storyteller by nature and releasing these stories is liberating. If someone could relate that would be great. If someone could be inspired, that’s great too. But I just wanted to share.

Simone: I was frustrated with life (read, my job) at the time and was looking for a creative outlet. I was allowing my job to literally drain the life out of me. So I needed something else to focus on. Something fun, something freeing. 

Why did you name your blog our intentional farm?

Sean: Simone came up with the name, I just co-signed. 😊 But I absolutely love it.

Simone: We want to own a farm one day and in our free time we sometimes take long drives looking for land with an old farm up that we can fix up. Plus, intentional living is our thing.

What’s one of the biggest blogging highlights of the past year?

Sean: One of the highlights has been Simone and I growing closer as we brainstorm ideas, share our individual thoughts and work together on this passion project.  I continue to learn more about Simone by reading her articles.  It gives me a better glimpse into how she thinks and how I can support her.

Simone: Our feature on the fab wives unfiltered podcast was very cool and very fun.

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from blogging?

Sean: Blogging requires a lot of work.  It may seem easy, but it requires a lot of time commitment. Not just planning for the upcoming month, but thinking of topics, writing, taking photographs, editing, re-reading again…and again, and finally publishing.  But it all feels worth it when the articles are published and we get to interact with you.

Simone: Old habits die hard! But I am more than capable of conquering them. (see next question)

Also, we work so well together. Not that I didn’t know that previously but working on our intentional farm together has refined our symbiosis. ❤️

Why the long break?

Sean: We both became extremely busy in our respective careers.  Constant blogging and remaining active on social media requires work and we had other priorities.  The good news is we are back and ready to refocus some of our attention.

Simone: I wanted to blog to have a sense of freedom but then I realized that we were working on a schedule that was counterproductive to this idea of freedom. This is a space that should flow and grow with our lives.

So we took a break because WE COULD! Ha! Plus, we were working overtime to pay off our debt and that’s where our energies needed to be focused at the time. #onlythemortgageleftnowbaby!!

If you could change anything about the past year, what would it be?

Sean: I’d probably focus a little more on becoming better organized, which would help immensely with prioritizing and executing tasks. Though I’ve improved, it’s still my biggest struggle.

Simone: I’d quit my job sooner. The.End.

What are you looking forward to the most with our intentional farm?

Sean: Engaging with our readers and hearing their perspectives on various issues.

Simone: Community! I just want this place to be a community of positivity and encouragement. 

It’s Our Blog Anniversary!

When we carved out our little piece of internet heaven, we were just setting out to share our experiences as we realigned our priorities and focused on living intentionally. Through the journey, we have met and gotten to know some incredible people. For that, we are grateful. 

Thanks to each of you who read and comment; we appreciate it more than you know. We know firsthand how busy life is and the fact that you spend even 5 minutes out of your day to read our content and engage with us in the comments is one of the highlights of doing this. 

What are you interested in seeing on our intentional farm?

With Intention,

Sean and Simone

It's Our Blog Anniversary

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2 Replies to “It’s Our Blog Anniversary, Here’s A Q&A To Celebrate!”

    1. Thank you so much, Devon. Appreciate the support. So much more to go but one step at a time and we’ll get there. Thanks for reading and commenting. We appreciate you!

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