Effective Communication to Beat Challenges

Effective communication

Relationships are all about effective communication. But it’s easy to overlook just how important it is during challenging times or just when life gets busy. But that’s really when we need to communicate most. 

We are all so busy trying to navigate life during the pandemic. Lack of social interaction with friends and associates can make you feel distant and isolated.  In addition, work challenges, finances and trying to protect yourself and loved ones from this serious virus certainly adds another layer of stress. 

During stressful times like these, it can cause negative impacts on any relationship. 

Thankfully, Simone and I have actually grown closer as a result of the pandemic. This is certainly not to say that everything is perfect in our relationship.  We struggle with the same dilemmas that most couples deal with, and we have also had our own individual challenges. But we are learning how to manage them and we are getting better at being proactive instead of reactive.    

To manage these challenges, we have incorporated two ways of communicating that have actually brought us closer.  


On a daily basis, we check in several times with one another.  There is no set time or agenda, I just want to make sure she is doing okay and vice versa.  Sometimes we discuss the challenge at that moment and help each other brainstorm solutions.  The freedom to talk more in person about where we are emotionally and mentally, and respecting each other’s perspectives is tremendously helpful. Simone reminds me not to make life so complicated and I remind her to take a break as she works tirelessly on multiple projects.   

Passion Project

The other thing that has helped our relationship is having this platform to share our thoughts.  We are doing this passion project together and that has been cathartic and made us grow closer. We are able to hold each other accountable, while also getting a chance to read each other’s blog articles.  The articles are not just for you the reader, we learn from each other as well.

It’s one thing to have a conversation, but reading each other’s thoughts has brought a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other. We are learning new things about each other with every post. It’s really incredible seeing pieces of a puzzle come together right in front of my eyes. Tough to explain, but it’s a real treat to see Simone’s personality and thoughts transcribed into words. It brings so many of my past experiences with her full circle.

The growth we have both experienced during this time has been rewarding, and we’ll continue to work through our challenges as they come, with a better understanding of each other.

Relationships can be difficult at times.  This is true of any relationship whether it be with a friend, spouse, or relative.  Effective communication has helped us grow closer during these unusual times.  Our regular check-ins and working jointly on a passion project have been extremely helpful.

How are you nurturing your relationships during the pandemic?

With Intention,

Sean and Simone

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6 Replies to “Effective Communication to Beat Challenges”

  1. Great article. Yes, communication is so important to practice during the good times so during the rough patches it comes natural. My wife and I have a routine to check in with each other when we get off work and are both commuting back. The phone conversations are cool because we don’t have any interruptions like we would at home. And we have more energy before the drives zombie us out.

    1. Exactly, Noel! I love that you said during the rough patches it comes natural. Communicating is a skill that requires a lot of practice. That’s a wonderful practice that you and your wife have. Great way to use your commute. Thanks for reading and commenting. We appreciate you!

    1. Very true, IF. Writing it down gives us to opportunity to really think about and relay our thoughts in a way that talking doesn’t allow. Many times after a conversation I say “I wish I had sad this or that instead”. With writing we get it all out, can edit as much as we need and really allows the other person to understand with even more depth. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. We appreciate you!

    1. Challenging in many ways for everyone. I think this time has really shown us all just what we are made of. Thanks for reading and commenting. We appreciate you!

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